The Queen is dead, God save the King.

God save the King is not a phrase that has been said by my fellow countrymen for over 70 years except for a Cavalry regiment in the British Army who toast the King of Sweden. It is a sad day for my country, and the Commonwealth.

For obituries I’m sure the press has had them written and prepared for the last 15 years. We will hear the obvious references to good innings as we do when ever an elderly grand-parent dies. But Her Majesty was a kind of grandmother to the nation, keeping us together when everyone was losing their shit. She went through war, the loss of Empire, I think 15 prime ministers, or was it 17? Correct me in the comments.

Even though at 96 she may have been closer to death than some of us, her loss to the nation is really like losing a a figurehead that belonged to everyone in this nation. She will be sorely missed by all of us. We will mourn. We will cry. We will comment on what a great Queen she was. We will look also to the future.

The King, is somebody who was born into the job, and was one of the longest servicing apprentices in any firm! His life and the life of his mother has lead him to this moment. Many think he will not be a good King. I beg to differ. Anyone who follows Her Majesty is bound to be overshadowed by her 70 years on the trône.

He will be a different King. By definition he will be a different King. He is a different person. I think he will do a pretty damned fine job of it. We’re in completely new territory here.

The Queen is dead. God save the King